Prof.Dr. Peter A. Bruck

Chairperson / President // WSA World Summit Awards / Internatiinal Center for New Media

Prof. DDr. Peter A. Bruck studied law, economics, sociology, and communications at the universities of Vienna, Iowa and McGill. He holds doctorates in law and communications and has taught at universities in Canada, the US and Western Europe plus Israel and Poland holding chairs in communication theory, mass communication sociology, media economics and new media technology.

He has nearly 40 years’ experience in founding and managing academic and business-oriented research centers and IT companies. He created the University of Applied Sciences with a focus on information economy and multimedia in Salzburg and has acted as business consultant and policy advisor in digital technologies in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Portugal, the US and Canada.

Prof. Bruck received numerous awards and fellowships in Europe, the US and Canada and is listed in the Canadian and Austrian Who’s Who. He has been one of the founding directors of the Canadian Tribute to Human Rights.

His rich experience includes working as the Chief Content Officer as part of the Board of management of the Telekom Austria Group where is also lead the business unit on Interactive Media. He founded and managed for 20 years as CEO and Chief Researcher the Research Studios Austria FG, bringing digital innovations from universities into markets.

Prof. Bruck successfully started up several companies in the research and educational tech space and effectively concluded M&A deals. He founded the World Summit Awards as Austrian Member State’s initiative for the UN World Summit on Information Society in 2003, with a current reach in and participation from 182 UN member states and around the globe.

Currently, his main interest focuses on purpose driven global digital innovation and social impact ventures and the development of DataSpaces for sustainability and mitigating the climate crisis and scaling social businesses.
